
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fiddler Ven- Part B

          There are a lot of characters in this play that I could identify with but the one that I think I could most identify with is Hodel. There were things in Tvye that I were like me, I like traditions but unlike Tvye I don't have many that my family or I follow and then there were things about Tzietal that I could see also see in myself, wanting to please my family but also caring for my own happiness. I could see myself most in Hodel because in life ultimately my decisions are for me and even though I made them for me I still want my family to be able to except me and love me. In the book Hodel and Perchik decide to get married without asking permission from the father, something completely unheard of at that time, when Hodel and Perchik approach Tevye and tell him of their plans to marry he is at first mad but then moves on and excepts their decision even if in the end it took Hodel away from her family to be with Perchik. Even if i make a crazy decision that my dad is enraged about I know that he won't dissown me and will come to accept my decision like Tevye. That is the main reason why Hodel is the person that I can idintify most with.

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