
Thursday, October 28, 2010


I chose to use this picture as my logo because my idea was to use stars and the Earth to represent identity and globalization because stars are like people, there are millions of them and even if we try we'll never see them all. Stars are all around the Earth like people working together to create light. The brightest star is to represent your identity and to show that even among the millions of people you can still be different and unique.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Humaties So Far...

You're always a little nervous on your first day of school even though I was a little nervous on my first day, I was really excited for Humanities to see what it was all about. I got to class excited and then as the class went on i was getting a little scared, thinking to myself, "Oh dear, I'm going to fail this class."

After about a week or two of Humanities I was starting to feel a little better. We were getting assignments and their due dates all at once and were expected to hand them in completed and on time something that i think is one of my stronger skills. One of my weaknesses is group work, ecsepcially larger groups of five or six, because I'm not a leader. When were assigned to our diplomatic training groups it didn't make me feel much better about group work because to begin with my group was very dysfuntional.

Our first group project was a failure, we may have gotten a decent mark but it was still a failure. The group work wasn't spread out evenly and nobody communicated with others to let them know what they were doing and I ended up being on the people who did most of the work. The success though came with the presentation about the five most important team skills. That project was a success because because everyone shared their ideas, talked, and worked effectively together. The presentation went well, we managed to entertain people while explain our ideas. As Humanities goes on it keeps getting better, even though there were a few set backs with the fire. Now I think to myself, "I can pass this class."

Friday, October 15, 2010

You Need to Wish to Be

"Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire."
-Orison S. Marden

This quote appealed to me because you are always told your actions will become who you are but it's not only your actions that become you its also your thoughts. Thoughts become your actions and actions become who you are. I believe that if you want to become something then you have to wish to become that thing before you can begin to become it. If you want to do well on a test its not enough to just study but you need to want to to well and believe that you will do well. That is why I chose this quotation it brought into words what i think you need to do in order to be successful.